Stop by our Welcome Desk in the sanctuary foyer to pick up a visitor bag from our First Impressions team!


When you arrive at Cloverdale Baptist Church, you’ll be welcomed by our First Impressions team, easily identified by their blue shirts that say 'Welcome.' We strive for our services to be biblically accurate in their content, accessible for all age groups, and conducive to maximum congregational participation. We read Scripture together, sing together, pray together, give together, hear God's Word together, and respond together as a community of believers. Our services typically last about 75 minutes.


We offer a staffed nursery for children newborn through age 2, available throughout the entire morning service. Preschool-aged children will be in the worship service with their families and will be dismissed for children’s worship during the song set. The nursery and children's worship are both located in the Fellowship Hall building. Our First Impressions team will be happy to show you where to register your child for these programs.


Cloverdale Baptist Church is located at 806 Dexter Street, Dothan, AL. Visitor parking is located along the side and back of the office building. You can enter through the breezeway directly in front of the parking area. Our First Impressions team will be glad to point you to a Sunday School class or to the sanctuary for worship.

Join Us This Sunday